Nomination - Ambassadeur LBS en charge des questions financières


Following the launch of the Cercle Orion’s London branch, Giambattista DE CIAN (Bocconi University / London Business School) will work in collaboration with Alexandre MANCINO and the London team as LBS Ambassador in charge of the financial matters. He will represent the Cercle Orion at LBS starting from 2020 and will work on sustainable finance.


Dans le cadre du lancement du pôle londonien du Cercle Orion, Giambattista DE CIAN (Bocconi University / London Business School) est nommé Ambassadeur LBS en charge des questions financières à partir de janvier 2020. Il travaillera en collaboration avec Alexandre MANCINO et avec l’équipe londonienne sur la préparation des évènements financiers à Londres et sera le représentant du Cercle à LBS.

I pride myself on being part of Cercle Orion, a think-tank that strives to change the world in a meaningful way by actively promoting dialogue on some of the most important issues of our century, such as diversity, inclusion and environmental change. While one could think that the urgency of these matters might require an immediate solution, I strongly believe in the importance of research before action. The shared desire of all members to make an impact on the world through a vibrant debate, while keeping a strongly European and liberal vision, is what truly makes Cercle Orion an ideal place to reflect before acting against these contemporary challenges.
— Giambattista DE CIAN