Nomination - Secrétaire Général adjoint en charge de la programmation - Londres


Following the launch of the Cercle Orion’s London branch, Jean-Baptiste LANOË (HEC PARIS) will work in collaboration with Alexandre MANCINO as Deputy General Secretary in charge of the events. He will have the responsibility of programming the different events in London from a large perspective, starting from 2020.


Dans le cadre du lancement du pôle londonien du Cercle Orion, Jean-Baptiste LANOË (HEC PARIS) est nommé Secrétaire Général adjoint en charge de la programmation à partir de janvier 2020. Il travaillera en collaboration avec Alexandre MANCINO et avec l’équipe londonienne sur la préparation des évènements au UK, dans une perspective large.

The new London branch of the Cercle Orion is a place for professionals and students to take a step back from their specializations and meet to discuss the political, economic and environmental issues they are concerned about. It is an excellent opportunity to debate and challenge one’s own points of view, with the aim of developing a reflection on the impact one can have on the community. Having worked and studied in the EU, Russia, Asia and America, I find the Cercle’s international orientation particularly stimulating.
— Jean-Baptiste LANOË