Nomination - Secrétaire Général du Cercle Orion

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Alexis PELLIER (Sciences Po Paris) est nommé Secrétaire Général du Cercle Orion à compter du mercredi 26 février 2020. Il aura à charge la stratégie de communication globale du Cercle, tant à Paris qu’à Londres et s’occupera aussi des relations publiques de l’Association. Il définira la politique marketing du Cercle en collaboration avec Alexandre MANCINO.

It is a true honor and pleasure to contribute to the Cercle Orion as General Secretary. I am eager to bring new ideas and skills to our organization while meeting a broad range of professionals and students from various backgrounds. In the fast-paced world we live in, if we want to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, it is imperative to expand our horizons and challenge one’s opinion. Action will only lead us somewhere if we have an accurate understanding of our times. I am certain the experience we will gain from the Cercle Orion will help us for our life-long journey. As an European citizen with an an international background, at a time when the UK is leaving the EU, I am especially happy to join an organization which extends a friendly and open hand in London and Paris.
— Alexis PELLIER