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Webinar - Tech Innovation


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The global crisis our world is experiencing is forcing us to invent new ways to do business, leaving us wondering which new habits will stay on when we come out of self-isolation and remote working. For the past two years, the blockchain technology and the token economy have started transforming the world of business, a disruption we believe will continue after the health crisis we are experiencing.
To prepare for the future, the after COVID-19, Aviamediatech and Cercle Orion have decided to launch a series of Webinars on future business practices and the future global economy, in partnership with Neuronytics Inc., a start-up that’s been focused on developing and finding new practices for business development since its foundation.

The webinar will start with an introduction to the blockchain technology and the switch to a token economy, by Alexis Grabar, CEO of Aviamediatech and Alexandre Mancino, CEO of Cercle Orion.
François de Yrigoyen, Chief Revenue Officer of Neuronytics Inc., will then discuss how Neuronytics was successfully financed and raised XX M thanks to the token economy, and why its founders believe in blockchain as a serious and successful fundraising tool.
The Webinar will last an hour and will be followed by a Q&A. Participants will be invited to exchange their views on the topic, with on open conversation with the organizers.